Our University is switching to a new integrated identity management system (IdM). Main purposes are:
- a neater, streamlined and mostly automated management of user profiles;
- the association and integration of impersonal users/accounts to owning/accountable personal identity;
- higher security levels through technologically advanced backends, better enforcement of the password policy and redefinition of some key processes;
- easy to use self services for password change and forgotten password recovery;
- a unique centralized authentication system and shared entry points to access all our digital services.
The system is currently available for teachers, TA and support staff and is active for authentication to the U-GOV, U-web (Cedolino online) and Iris applications.
It's available at https://idm.uniroma1.it
In this page related contents you can find some guide lines for first access and basic usage, F.A.Q. and the Privacy Policy.
Guidelines and F.A.Q. are currently available in italian only.
In case of any further doubt, contact the helpdesk (mail identity.infosapienza@uniroma1.it). In case you are reporting an error, please provide a screenshot, the URL you're trying to reach and the type of device you're using.
Please note: "the URL you're trying to reach" is the one you're typing in the address bar or retrieving in your favorites or the one in the link you're using, not the one you get after being redirected to the login page (https://idp.uniroma1.it/idp...)